Tuesday 28 November 2017

Are You Ready For A Tummy Tuck?

Want a flat tummy? Get a tummy tuck done. Technically, it is called abdominoplasty. It involves removing extra skin and fat and restoring the separated or weakened muscles of the abdomen. Tummy tuck surgery in Maryland gives you a flatter and firmer tummy that you can be proud of.

For many people on this planet, a flat ab is a dream. They sweat in the gym and rein their taste buds for the sake of losing weight, but to no avail. If your body weight is otherwise normal, but your tummy is unshapely and protrudes, then tummy tuck surgery in Frederick is the right option for you.

 Why does the tummy sag or become unshapely?
The following factors are responsible:
·         Heredity
·         Aging
·         Pregnancy
·         Large differences in body weight
·         Previous surgeries

Tummy tuck surgery in Maryland saves you from the embarrassment of a protruding abdomen and helps you wear your favorite clothes that show off your firm abdomen.

Abdominoplasty is not an alternative for workout or weight loss program. Getting a tummy tuck done does not mean you can gorge on all the unhealthy foods of the world. You still need to keep your diet in check and indulge in physical activity to maintain your firm tummy.

Also, tummy tuck surgery in Frederick does not fix stretch marks. However, in case your stretch marks are located on the area of extra fat or skin, then they can be diminished or eliminated when the extra fat or skin gets removed during the surgery.

If you are planning a pregnancy or wish to lose a significant amount of weight in the near future, you must postpone tummy tuck surgery in Maryland. This is because fluctuations in weight reduce the results of this surgery.

In case of pregnancy, your tummy is going to inflate and then it will deflate after delivery. This can again loosen your tummy muscles or make your abdomen sag. So, it is wise to undergo tummy tuck surgery in Frederick after you have been done with making babies.

Please choose only a board-certified surgeon for tummy tuck. Names like Dr. Cappuccino are one of the most reliable in the world of plastic surgery. The surgery is usually conducted under general anesthesia; however, your surgeon will decide what is best in your case. A full tummy tuck surgery in Maryland requires an incision that could be from the pubic hairline to the belly button.

Monday 30 October 2017

Shaping Up Surgically For A Flat Tummy

Abdominoplasty is increasingly becoming more popular than ever before.
The primary reason is compelling.
It is yielding better results and fewer complications due to innovative medical evolutions that commenced in Brazil a decade ago.

To recapitulate, abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a procedure that removes excess fat and skin to tighten muscles of the abdomen.
Men and women undergo Abdominoplasty in Maryland to get rid of wrinkled skin and stretch marks.

According to a surgeon performing abdominoplasty in Frederick, MD, “More often than not, dieting and exercise do not restore the abdomen to its original youthful contour. Rather, people after losing weight have difficulties maintaining the contour of their abdomen”.

Tummy deformities have three components:
  • Lower abdomen with excess fat tissue
  • Loose skin and stretch marks caused by aging, pregnancy, or excessive weight loss
  • Rectus muscle diastasis sometimes called ‘post baby paunch’ after pregnancy.
A comprehensive tummy tuck procedure addresses all the three deformities related to skin, fat, and muscles.

“Full abdominoplasty benefits most patients who desire the look of a hard and flat tummy with skin as tight as possible”, says a specialist who performs Abdominoplasty in Maryland. “But for others who have a pouch below the belly button, I recommend the mini tummy tuck”.

Cosmetologists nevertheless warn that an abdominoplasty procedure does not remove stretch marks in the mid or upper abdomen.
There is good likelihood that there will be a scar across the lower abdomen, even above the bikini line.

“I could wear a bikini because the scars were hidden by my swimming suit”, says a senior college student. “But they worsened a bit during the process of healing 3 to 6 months down the line”.

Doctors say such a scenario is normal as it can take around a year for the scars to lighten in color and flatten out.
You must keep in mind that not all persons are fit candidates for abdominoplasty.

As per cosmetic surgeons, the right candidates are those: 

  • who are as close as possible to their ideal body weight
  • who want to get rid of specific areas of fat that are stubborn and do not respond to exercise and diet
  • who have satisfactory skin tone and elasticity
  • who understand and accept the risks factors
  • who are emotionally stable and have reasonable expectations from the surgery
Several cosmetic surgeons rightly point out that tummy tucks are elective procedures with a well-recognized set of risks. At the hands of experienced surgeons, these surgeries have a high satisfaction rate.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Tightening The Abdomen To Draw Those Lingering Glances

When it comes to aging, people start to have concerns.
Mother Nature seems to do it all - wrinkles on the face, shriveled frames, and a protruding tummy.
It is not a happy sight.

“I am not too concerned about my crow’s feet”, says a senior college professor. “Wrinkles show maturity. It is the love handles that I dislike”.
Excess fat on the belly, also called ‘beer belly’, pulls down a person’s aesthetic appearance - man or woman.
Despite the fact that abdominal obesity may have strong correlation with cardiovascular disease, it is the bad aesthetics that annoy people.  
To improve the appearance of a flabby, stretched-out belly, there may be plenty of solutions.

Shedding weight, exercise, and yoga can help. But it is a tall order for many.
“Despite exercise and diet, some people do not seem to improve their midriff contours”, says a doctor who performs tummy tuck surgery in Maryland.
Cosmetic surgeons say weight loss minimizes fat layers and intra-abdominal volume but cannot improve loose, hanging skin.
In case of women, pregnancy results in enlargement of the crosswise diameter of the abdomen.

A good candidate for a tummy tuck, according to doctors, is an individual having excessive and loose, sagging abdominal skin.
Expert tummy tuck surgeons in Frederick can bring about an improvement in body contour, remove redundant skin, and even get rid of scar deformities.
Needless to say, all cosmetic surgeons perform an appropriate preoperative evaluation.
They select patients that are as close to their ideal weight as possible but are unable to shed loose skin at their abdominal area because of age or pregnancy.
If you are keen to know if tummy tuck is right for you, consult a good cosmetic surgeon.
A specialist of tummy tuck surgery in Maryland can offer you free consultation about tummy tucks and also any information about other types of cosmetic reconstructive surgeries.

A piece of advice by surgeons

  • After the surgery, do not wear an extremely scant bikini. It may not hide your tummy tuck scar. Wear one that accentuates your flat abdomen, for example, a one-piece tank suit.
  • Take a couple of weeks off from work to allow for recovery.
  • Full recovery may take about 4 to 6 weeks depending on the extent of the procedure.
You can regain fat if you put on weight or get pregnant again. It is for this reason we recommend tummy tucks only for women who do not plan to have any more children. 

Sunday 21 May 2017

Get Rid Of Excess Fat and Skin from Abdomen Area with Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is becoming an extremely popular cosmetic procedure among men and women. It is a safe and proven way of removing loose and excess fat from the abdomen area but it must not be viewed as an alternative to weight loss procedures. You can find a few leading cosmetic surgeons offering tummy tuck surgery in Maryland along with other types of restorative or cosmetic surgeries.

Not A Substitute For Weight Loss

Before you choose a reliable surgeon for tummy tuck surgery in Maryland, you must accept the fact that a tummy tuck is more like a body contouring process. You are likely to be disappointed if you expect tummy tucks to address your stretch marks. Although, in some cases, stretch marks may be moved or lowered during the process, depending on their position on the abdomen.
The size of scar and its location will depend on the kind of tummy tuck you undergo. In conventional tummy tuck procedures, there will be a linear line from hip to hip. Leading tummy tuck surgeons in Frederick will try to keep the scar line concealed under the bikini line. During tummy tuck surgery, the belly button is relocated which means you will have a scar near this area too.

How It Works

During a tummy tuck, the surgeon will remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen. Sutures are used to tighten the connective tissues in the abdomen in some specific instances. The skin that remains after the process is carefully and skillfully rearranged to ensure a toned appearance near and around the abdomen.
Tummy tuck surgery in Maryland is recommended to patients with:
·         Visible excess skin near and around the abdomen
·         Weak lower abdominal wall
·         Retracted scarring caused by a previous C-section
·         An unattractive abdomen that’s affecting one’s self-confidence
There are many positives that one can enjoy after undergoing tummy tuck surgery in Maryland. The biggest benefit is that it restores that flat tummy look. You will be able to get into those tight fitting dresses yet again. Tummy tuck can result in a youthful looking body.
To retain the positives you have gained post tummy tuck surgery, it is important to maintain a fairly active lifestyle, and also exercise regularly. Body weight must be maintained at levels advised by your surgeon to enjoy the benefits for long.

Monday 24 April 2017

Enhancing Your Physique with a Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck is becoming an increasingly popular surgical procedure among men and women.

It promises a flat and well-toned abdomen, something that is not easy to achieve even with a strict diet and exercise regimen.

But it must be kept in mind that tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, even when it is successful, is not a substitute for an appropriate weight loss and exercise program.

Moreover, the procedure does not make the patient lose weight.

“Some patients do lose a few pounds,” say tummy tuck surgeons in Frederick, “but this procedure delivers best results only for those who are near to their ideal weight”.

“Weight loss can be permanent if the patient avoids significant fluctuations in weight”, says a doctor who specializes in tummy tuck surgery in Maryland.  

Abdominoplasty is strictly a contouring procedure and not a weight loss formula.

Its main objective is to improve the appearance of flabby, stretched-out belly muscles.

According to doctors, abdominoplasty, in addition to enhancing cosmetic appearance, also has a few health benefits.

  • It can help with urinary incontinence.
  • It can assist in improving core stability, relieving back pain, and bloating. 

Even with promising outcomes, this procedure is not for everyone.

The patient must have a thorough discussion with the doctor before going ahead with the procedure.

This is because a tummy tuck procedure has its share of risks.

“Bleeding, infection, swelling and scarring are some risks,” says a medical expert based in Maryland.
“In a worst case scenario, the patient may suffer blood clots in the legs or lungs”.

But what is building confidence among patients is a large number of successful tummy tuck outcomes.

“Tummy tuck is a powerful age fighting arsenal. A slimmer you can look 10 years younger,” says a school teacher who is happy with her recently performed tummy tuck surgery in Maryland.

Abdominoplasty is continuing to be the second most popular procedure in the United States after breast augmentation.

A few years ago when the economic recession was at its peak, Americans went slow on plastic surgery makeovers.

“We learnt to live with sagging eyelids and paunchy stomachs,” says a 45 year old housewife.

But now the demand seems to be back.

Looking good is top most in the minds of men and women. Getting rid of extra skin around the mid section is not simple even with crash diets and hundreds of crunches.

Today, plastic surgeons have a wide range of choices for correcting abdominal deformities. For many individuals it is making sense to choose the best doctor in town and go in for abdominoplasty.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Tummy Tuck Surgery Is the Best Way to Deal with a Bloated-Looking Abdomen

If you have loose skin around your belly caused by significant weight loss or pregnancy, you are most likely to have excess skin hanging from your waist and back in a manner that’s extremely uncomfortable to deal with and dreadful to look at. In such circumstances, the best way to regain a healthy, well-shaped look is tummy tuck surgery, also popularly known as abdominoplasty. Surgeons conducting tummy tuck surgery in Maryland have reported a huge increase in demand for such medical services in recent years.

Why Go For Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Tummy tuck surgery is being acknowledged by experts as the best way of reshaping your abdomen. It works by removing the loose and excess fat and skin from the abdomen and tightening the muscles in those areas. Most patients enjoy visible and sustained relief through tummy tuck surgery in Maryland. An important psychological benefit of the procedure is the improvement in self-esteem that patients enjoy as a result of this surgery.

A Safe and Proven Solution

To get the best results, it is important to choose one of the best tummy tuck surgeons in Fredrick. Your surgeon will make you aware of the fact that abdominoplasty is definitely not a substitute for a weight loss program or exercise regimen. It is an advanced surgical process that has been devised to provide quick and visible relief from excess fat deposit and hanging skin generally seen in the abdominal area after massive weight loss or post-pregnancy.

Another major benefit of opting for tummy tuck surgery is that the result of this surgical procedure is practically permanent for all technical purposes. Your surgeon will advise you on the various precautions you must undertake if you are planning to go for tummy tuck surgery in Maryland. You must make a conscious and serious effort at keeping your body weight stable. Significant fluctuations can cancel the benefits to a large extent.

Key Precautions That Women Should Take

Women who are planning future pregnancies are best advised to postpone abdominoplasty till they have completed their family. Pregnancy can also negate most or all the benefits gained through a tummy tuck procedure. A strict diet regimen and regular exercise post tummy tuck can help maintain the results for a lifetime in most cases.

Your chosen surgeon will make sure that you check all boxes that are mandatory to fulfill before you are given the green signal for tummy tuck surgery.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Brighten Up Your Eye Area with Eyelid Surgery

Surgery of the eyelid- technically known as blepharoplasty – is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the overall appearance of the eye area. Flaws such as under eye bags or drooping upper eyelids can make a person look tired and older than their real age. Eyelid surgery in Maryland involves removal of excess fat deposits, skin, and muscle from upper or lower or sometimes both eyelids to correct flaws such as under eye bags or baggy upper eyelids.

Just as in the case of any other cosmetic procedure, it is important to harbor realistic expectations about your eyelid lift surgery MD. Although the procedure will provide excellent results in improving the appearance of your eye area and make your eyes look brighter, it will not help eliminate flaws such as dark circles under the eyes or fine lines in the eye area. The procedure is also not a solution to repair sagging eyebrows. The procedure is usually conducted as a stand-alone surgery or can be coupled with other cosmetic procedures such as a facelift. 

The duration of eyelid surgery in Maryland varies from one to three hours depending on how many eyelids are being operated on. In case all four eyelids are being operated on, the surgeon will start with the upper eyelids before moving on to the lower ones. Through these tiny incisions, the surgeon skillfully removes excess fat and tissues, trims the skin if necessary, and puts in fine sutures to close the incisions. Since the surgeon will make incisions along the natural creases of your eyelids, the scars will be hardly visible once the healing process is complete.

Almost all people who have undergone eyelid lift surgery MD are extremely pleased with the results that last for years, thereby enabling them to retain their youthful and vibrant appearance for years.