When it comes to
aging, people start to have concerns.
Mother Nature seems
to do it all - wrinkles on the face, shriveled frames, and a protruding tummy.
It is not a happy
“I am not too concerned
about my crow’s feet”, says a senior college professor. “Wrinkles show
maturity. It is the love handles that I dislike”.
Excess fat on the
belly, also called ‘beer belly’, pulls down a person’s aesthetic appearance -
man or woman.
Despite the fact that
abdominal obesity may have strong correlation with cardiovascular disease, it
is the bad aesthetics that annoy people.
Shedding weight,
exercise, and yoga can help. But it is a tall order for many.
“Despite exercise and
diet, some people do not seem to improve their midriff contours”, says a doctor
who performs tummy tuck surgery in
Cosmetic surgeons say
weight loss minimizes fat layers and intra-abdominal volume but cannot improve
loose, hanging skin.
In case of women,
pregnancy results in enlargement of the crosswise diameter of the abdomen.
A good candidate for
a tummy tuck, according to doctors, is an individual having excessive and loose,
sagging abdominal skin.
Expert tummy tuck surgeons in Frederick can
bring about an improvement in body contour, remove redundant skin, and even get
rid of scar deformities.
Needless to say, all
cosmetic surgeons perform an appropriate preoperative evaluation.
They select patients
that are as close to their ideal weight as possible but are unable to shed
loose skin at their abdominal area because of age or pregnancy.
If you are keen to
know if tummy tuck is right for you, consult a good cosmetic surgeon.
A specialist of tummy tuck surgery in Maryland can
offer you free consultation about tummy tucks and also any information about
other types of cosmetic reconstructive surgeries.
A piece of advice by surgeons
- After
the surgery, do not wear an extremely scant bikini. It may not hide your
tummy tuck scar. Wear one that accentuates your flat abdomen, for example,
a one-piece tank suit.
- Take
a couple of weeks off from work to allow for recovery.
- Full
recovery may take about 4 to 6 weeks depending on the extent of the
can regain fat if you put on weight or get pregnant again. It is for this
reason we recommend tummy tucks only for women who do not plan to have any more
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